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Sports Update 2020 – Year In Review

Reviewing the school year in sports seems to be a difficult process at this time as I try to cast my memory back to the last time circumstances in the sporting arena were normal for us. The days of the field, gym and pool being alive with our students' training and competing seem so long ago. I can only hope that after the summer break, we can get a sense of normality back into our sports programme. Here's hoping!
Grade 4 Students Adopted An Orangutan

Our Grade 4 students have been exploring the effects of individual consumer choices on the environment. While learning about deforestation in South East Asia, Grade 4.1 decided to financially adopt an orangutan Popi. Orangutans are critically endangered in the wild because of rapid deforestation and the expansion of palm oil plantations into their forest home. Students have calculated that each child would need to contribute $8 to support Popi for one full year. They have decided to earn money themselves through doing various chores. Popi is living in the Center for Orangutan Protection (COP) in Indonesia and is looked after a fully mobilised team of dedicated orangutan activists.
Creating Tomorrow’s Innovators and Entrepreneurs

Our innovative approach to STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) emphasises harnessing our students’ creative talents and blending them with skills in analytical thinking, problem- solving, entrepreneurship and leadership. XCL World Academy students start their STEAM journey from an early age and take their learning further as they move from the Primary Years to the Senior Years.

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