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Technology Integration Is Not Surface Deep

In our school community technology is ubiquitous. We are privileged to be able to say that all our students from the early years through to secondary use a range of technology applications and hardware in their daily learning. Unlike other educational communities I have worked in, in my role as Director of Educational Technology, I do not need to spend time getting technology tools into the hands of teachers and students. It is already deeply embedded. The real question is, “What are we doing with that technology?” now that it is so widespread. Are our approaches to learning the same as always with the exception of a very expensive pencil, or does the technology allow for transformation?
Why Should Students Study Design In School?

Studying design has many benefits to it. Students have the opportunity to make anything they want and express their creativity. Design steps out of the regular school boundaries and diverts from the everyday learning, lectures and memorisation. In design, you learn what makes you unique, learn to step out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself. Students should study design not only for the subject itself, but the impact it has on them as a person and how it prepares them for the real world. It also gives them a broader major choice for university.
Making The Earth Cool Again

When it comes to the climate, this international school in Singapore is putting young people in the driver’s seat – carbon neutrally, of course! Last year saw a shift in the debate about the environment and climate; children around the world began to be more vocal on the topic, and began to take action. XCL World Academy is picking up on this change by giving its students the tools to put their greenest foot forward through conservation and recycling projects.

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